The BRC was formed in the fall of 1985 by Living Colour guitarist Vernon Reid, artist rep Konda Mason and the late Village Voice writer, musician Greg Tate.
I travel a lot, and found your site via a link on Wikipedia article on Living Colour. Sure wish the rock stations, both comtempory and AOR would showcase more black rockers. I’m currently in SLC, UT, but maybe a showcase can come to Las Vegas one day.
Keep up the great work!!!
”I would like to become a Member of the (BRC) ”We need a Branch of the (BRC)here in Chicago IL. ”
thanks baron and charles! we’re taking good notes…
I travel a lot, and found your site via a link on Wikipedia article on Living Colour. Sure wish the rock stations, both comtempory and AOR would showcase more black rockers. I’m currently in SLC, UT, but maybe a showcase can come to Las Vegas one day.
vegas is definitely doable! we’ll make sure to let you know if anything’s heading your way. thx!
Waiting for 24-7 Spyz to FINALLY come to Los Angeles!!!!!! Maybe we can do something about that!!!!!!